



Revolution: from Wikipedia  A revolution (from the Latin revolutio, “a turn around”) is a fundamental change in power or organizational structures that takes place in a relatively short period of time.

We are talking here about a change in organizational structures  and this is exactly what I believe is happening all around us about  communications,  connections ,  networking  and how things are going to be done from now on. It will be impossible to go back in time in this regard!

You may smile or not, fell good or feel bad, still this is the road we will all, have to walk. So it will be better that you bring your hands to this dough sooner than later to benefit from today´s revolution, as soon as possible instead of keeping yourself  complaining , upset or even sometimes frustrated!

I understand how you feel since I have also been there, complaining , frustrated and resisting the change, since the moment I understood this is the new order, the new language, the new way of thinking and a tool to evolve.

I recommend you to breathe and continue reading since possibly not only may this be easier than you imagined, it can also be fun. Do you remember when you were young, everything you did having fun, was easy? As well everything you did complaining with frustration was difficult and you even do not remember it.

Yes I know many people see the objections first, because they resist change. What if  you are open to the possibility that technology is a solution instead of a problem in your daily life. Things will never go back again, so you better get involved in this revolution!

As many of you, I was not born in the “computer age” (Information age). Now I understand my life could have been easier than it has been, if I would have a computer at the University. Still this was not the journey  I had to walk and experience. This is why today, I can sense the “before” and “after” “computer age” (Information age)“. 


Human beings do not like change and resist the “change. We have examples in our own life. All of us may have suffered from something because we resisted the change  not even wishing to make a decision that may have brought more peace and joy to our life. We were possibly not aware about that.

We get lost, confused and insecure in front of a possible change. It is much better to stay where we are than to change anything around us.

This is the reason why, people that were not born in the “computer age” (Information age) feel anxiety when facing this change! They do not want to listen about the topic.

This is what brought my attention to think about the fact there is a transition to go through and there is a need of a mentor to teach the new language to all the people feeling stacked about technology since even though I believe they have the right to feel that way, they will stay there if they do not find quickly a solution to solve the problem.

What if you were able to learn this new language of technology  as you did learn to write and speak at school? With a clear methodology understanding the “behind the scenes of your monitor”?

I hear many people say “I am too old”, “I am too tired”, “I do not have the concentration I used to have” All these are excuses that keep you in the same place instead of taking the first step to experience the change that is paralyzing you today in your mind!

When we are young we first learn the language of home, communicating with our family, our sisters and brothers; then we learn some new words from friends at school. If we move to another country we learn a new language. Many of us even learned different languages. All these required a certain preparation from the outside to the inside to let go fear and feel safe and secure again.

Today the new rules, the new language and the new tools are outside waiting for us to make the decision and move forward to use them and improve how we do things.

It is important to learn and understand how they are used and what they can do for us, to decide which ones to use. We may benefit from one and not the other one exactly as you benefit from learning English instead of French if you live in an English speaking country.

It is time to demystify the fact these new tools are just for the young people that were born in computer age” (Information age). These tools are for all of us

This is why since my passion is teaching, I decided to teach this new language, because I believe without knowing a language we will never be able to be heard and be seen in the world, and we all have the right to achieve it.



Esther Coronel de Iberkleid
“The Clarity Mentor”
Life Changing Coach
“My Journey toward YOUR success – The Magic Wand of Life”
“Transforming YOUR Life from the first Session”
Cel: (591) 730 07479

La Paz – Bolivia

 For additional information,  you can benefit from these resources:

 Who is Esther? 

 When do people decide to hire a coach?

 Today I met him: “The story of George”

 Do you know how to generate the trust you need to have the followers you want?

 3 Insider Secrets to help Successful Entrepreneurs and Leaders enjoy more time with family and friends work less and still be productive

 About Trust today and why trusting 

Conscious Visionary Leaders, build a legacy with social impact that makes history! Learn how to be known and be heard in the global world today to be remembered forever

 Check out now which are the “#7CriticalSecretsthat will immediately create more #TimeFreedomAndFun Every Day”


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Existe un Secreto para motivar a los Empleados?

Hace unos días me encontré en el supermercado con un amigo también empresario a quien no veía hacía tiempo. Estaba enojado y de muy mal humor. En realidad estaba enojado, preocupado y molesto, todo a la vez. Me contó de sus problemas laborales diarios y de cómo le estaban impidiendo crecer y desarrollarse de la manera que él hubiera querido. Se trataba según él de problemas que parecían simples y que sin embargo no lograba terminar de resolver. Siempre volvían a presentarse, eran recurrentes y además si bien él pensaba que eran simples, eso lo hacía sentirse peor, ya que tendría que ser sencillo el poder resolverlos, sin embargo no encontraba la forma de “terminar con ellos de una vez” tal cual lo expresó.

Todo esto me dejó pensando, y me di cuenta que yo había tenido los mismos problemas en mi empresa años atrás. Traté de hacer memoria para recordar cómo los resolví para poder de esa manera hacerme cargo de otros asuntos que eran primordiales y quedaban siempre empañados y relegados por lo recurrente que en aquel momento no podía resolver.

Hoy me doy cuenta que eso es lo que nos ocurre, cuando estamos agobiados por un determinado problema, estamos en un círculo vicioso sin salida aparente y no encontramos la forma ni el tiempo de abordar y resolver ni ese ni los demás asuntos que pasan a segundo plano. Es recién cuando logramos resolver el primero que los que estaban en segundo plano pasan a primer plano y así vamos avanzando, lentamente. Es por esto que muchas veces los empresarios emprendedores consideran que avanzan un paso adelante y dos pasos atrás. Entonces cómo hacemos para poder avanzar los tres pasos hacia adelante y no dar más pasos hacia atrás?

Esta no era la primera vez que alguien me preguntaba: “Existe acaso una Técnica o un Procedimiento para Motivar a los Empleados ?

La falta de motivación personal hoy en los equipos de trabajo es algo común. Por qué es común? Porque las personas están pasando por momentos difíciles y con depresión en muchos casos a raíz de sus propios problemas personales así como del hecho mismo de cómo cambió la vida en cuanto a la relación de las personas entre ellas desde el propio núcleo familiar.

La pregunta es entonces cómo lo subsanamos en el lugar de trabajo? En muchos casos, muchas veces lo que hoy es “común” parece volverse “lo normal”, sin embargo en este caso específico sería bien poder hacer algo al respecto ya que el rendimiento en el trabajo, la optimización  y la eficiencia son mucho mayores cuando las personas están motivadas y responden con todo su potencial. Esto puede medirse muy fácilmente en los resultados obtenidos en el lugar de trabajo a través del fluir de las operaciones con menos “reportes de problemas” en la mesa de quienes ocupan posiciones de mando, cada mañana.

Quiere motivar a los empleados?

Otro factor importante a considerar hoy en día es el bajo rendimiento que observamos en los equipos de trabajo, a consecuencia de la falta de motivación y el desgano que esta origina.

Cuando una persona está desganada no le interesan las mismas cosas que cuando se encuentra en su estado normal. Surge el llamado “no me importismo” y la persona no evalúa de la misma manera las consecuencias de su actual actitud. Esto significa que si un jefe se pregunta “Cómo puede ser que no le importa a la persona X hacer las cosas bien o según los “requerimientos de la empresa” la respuesta es que la persona X está tan ensimismada en su “bajón” que el “no me importismo” la lleva a no darse cuenta de lo que está pasando realmente, de la misma manera que si estuviera en su estado normal.

Quiere aumentar el rendimiento de los empleados? 

No todas las empresas tienen sistemas para medir la eficiencia  sin embargo muchas son las personas hoy hablan de una baja de la misma y la llaman ineficiencia Todos hemos escuchado varias veces la expresión “no hay eficiencia”, verdad?

Qué significa esto? Qué debemos entender cuando un jefe se expresa acerca de la ineficiencia de sus empleados? Puede significar una de muchas situaciones, ya que la palabra en si posee muchas implicaciones. Puede estar relacionado con el hecho de que el empleado no entiende lo que se le pide que haga y tiene miedo de preguntar, algo muy común. Puede ser que la persona que explica no lo hace de manera entendible por todos y da las instrucciones de forma tal que los empleados no entienden claramente. Puede ser que el empleado nuevo, antes trabajaba en algo totalmente diferente y todo el lenguaje relacionado a su nuevo trabajo es también nuevo y necesita tiempo para adaptarse y procesar la información. Por esto es muy importante poder dar la información de diferentes maneras pues no todos entienden lo mismo, ni de la misma manera.

Leficiencia es un resultado que se obtiene a consecuencia de haber aprendido un método, un mecanismo, una metodología y repetirla varias veces. Es así que se consigue tener la confianza en uno mismo de hacerlo bien. De este proceso repetitivo se logra hacerlo con la confianza de haber entendido de qué se trata lo que está haciendo.

Cómo aprende un niño a amarrarse los cordones de sus zapatos? Lo aprende en el primer intento? 

Un buen alumno en matemática es aquel que es eficiente en la resolución de los problemas, pues entendió cómo resolver el problema usando un determinado mecanismo. De la repetición surge la eficiencia. Nadie nace eficiente sino que esto es algo que se obtiene a consecuencia de un aprendizaje . Lo que sí es importante para lograrla es una determinada actitud y una disciplina del aprendizaje.

Quiere hacer más eficiente el trabajo de sus empleados? 

Todas estas son las situaciones que llevan a una baja Productividad. Las empresas necesitan y quieren ser productivas ya que esta es la manera de lograr las ganancias que les permitirán seguir siendo parte activa del mercado, generadora de riqueza y tener resultados que estén acordes a lo que esto significa para mantener su personal y abastecer a un mercado ávido de su producto a un precio competitivo. Una situación de triple ganancia!

Quiere aumentar la productividad en su empresa? 

Es también muy importante tener procesos claros y procedimientos fluidos para que sea quien sea el que tenga que llevar a cabo una determinada tarea relacionada al proceso de elaboración de un producto determinado, sea cual sea el producto,  esta se realice siempre de la misma manera en forma eficiente y con alta productividad por cualquier empleado designado para la misma. Todos somos capaces entendiendo el proceso y conociendo paso a paso un procedimiento, de hacerlo en forma excelente!

Quiere optimizar los procesos en su empresa? 

En toda empresa es importante tener procesos que fluyan para lo cual necesitamos independientemente del tamaño de la empresa una buena comunicación entre las personas involucradas. 

Esto es lo que lleva a comprender lo que hoy se conoce como colaboración en lugar de competitividad o colaboración que apoya a la competitividad en la cual todas las partes ganan y no sólo una es la que gana. Es necesario cambiar los paradigmas de las partes involucradas lo antes posible.

Hoy se sabe que una mejor disposición a un trabajo en equipo es el ingrediente para la implementación de la “mejora continua” que conlleva a excelentes resultados en función del tiempo, beneficiosos para la empresa y sus partes integrantes. 

Todos los empresarios buscamos contar con empleados más involucrados en su trabajo con más responsabilidad asumida, ya que esto nos dará menos dolores de cabeza y preocupaciones al tener personal que comprenda que si alguien lo hace mal nos va mal a todos y si todos lo hacemos bien nos irá bien a todos. Lo cual se traduce en decir “Todos ganamos!”  

Por lo tanto es importante poder pensar en la implementación de sistemas específicos en cada empresa que permitan una optimización hacia un aumento de la productividad ya que es cuando los colaboradores comprenden que son ejes motores del proceso productivo que se tornan elementos multiplicadores hacia el logro de beneficios que involucran una mejora común al grupo y por ende a la sociedad en su conjunto. 

Es tiempo de motivar a los empleados en la empresa Juntos podemos llevarlo a cabo en beneficio de todo el equipo del cual formamos parte y de la sociedad en su conjunto. 

 Esther Coronel de Iberkleid
“The Clarity Mentor” 
Life Changing Coach 
“My Journey toward YOUR success – The Magic Wand of Life” 
“Transforming YOUR Life from the first Session” 
Cel: (591) 730 07479 
La Paz – Bolivia
Quieres más información? Revisa estos artículos relacionados:

Quiere motivar a los empleados en su empresa?

Mejoremos el desempeño de los empleados en las empresas 

Lo que nos duele a los empresarios


Líderes Visionarios conscientes, construyen un legado con impacto social que escribe la historia! Aprende cómo ser conocido y escuchado en el mundo global hoy para ser recordado por siempre! Te invito a leer sobre “LOS 3 ERRORES QUE TE IMPIDEN TENER LOS RESULTADOS QUE DESEAS, PARA DEJAR UN LEGADO COMO LÍDER SOCIAL” al registrarte en esta página


Si eres un LIDER VISIONARIO y quieres tener mi apoyo te invito a aplicar a una Consulta de Cortesía GRATIS  sin compromiso en


Reclama este documento:

Como atraer a tu mente sol y luz mientras estás en la oficina” en

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NAPREX:  Natural Products for Export  with 25 years of experience in the Food Manufacturing Industry, processing natural products of the highest quality in Bolivia, assisted and gave support to other companies implementing

–          Quality Assurance Systems

–          Good Manufacture Practices and Procedures

–          HACCP Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points System

–          Tailored in plant trainings for their Human Resources inspiring and motivating them to deliver their best.

TOOLS FOR LIFE  #1 Visionary Leaders Academy, where Leaders learn the TOOLS they need to improve being the leaders they already are, was founded years ago to support leaders and entrepreneurs to communicate their wisdom and generate wealth in society.

NAPREX AND TOOLS FOR LIFE blended together today, develop programs and packages that integrate the new strategies of Business online and offline with the wisdom of Spirituality through sustainable projects for communities worldwide.

Today based on the experience earned through 35 years working in the 3 areas: Business, Education and Personal Development I guide my clients to achieve the Clarity, Confidence and Self-esteem needed to generate the results they look for, under the umbrella of my Signature System Program: “THE MISSING LINK TO YOUR WEALTHY WORTHY LIFE”.

This offer is created based on my own will 20 years ago to have the possibility of doing things in an easier way.

Today spirituality and Business walk together since people look for more meaning in their life. We are all human beings looking for answers along our life path

I invite you to check out Who is Esther?  

There is a fundamental need to expand the reach of companies and develop a new awareness, together with creativity and worldwide connections to generate results in different ways through new channels it is important to know to be able to use.

I invite you to check out my Profile and Recommendations from people in different countries here:




Today I am engaged and committed to mentor and coach others, have the tools we learn on our way to success and maintaining it.

Thank you for reading and I look forward to speak with you soon. Do not hesitate to contact me for any question or to schedule a conversation on Skype


Esther Coronel de Iberkleid
“The Clarity Mentor”
Life Changing Coach
“My Journey toward YOUR success – The Magic Wand of Life”
“Transforming YOUR Life from the first Session” 
Cel: (591) 730 07479
La Paz  –  Bolivia 


Claim this report: “7 Critical Secrets that will immediately create more Time, Freedom and Fun Every Day” at

 “Visionary Community Leaders: Are you agents to change Community Evolution?” If you want to be heard, be seen and bring wealth to your community” this is for you “THE 3 MISTAKES THAT STOP YOU FROM HAVING THE RESULTS YOU WANT, TO LEAVE A LEGACY AS A SOCIAL LEADER”


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Why sometimes instead of freedom people connect with fear?

Weeks ago I was talking with a friend about procrastination.

Do you remember when you experienced procrastination in your life?

All of us experienced procrastination at least once in life.

Why do we go through it? Because there is a mechanism inside human beings that sometimes instead of choosing freedom, guides us to choose fear.

Freedom means air, clarity, confidence and self-esteem at all levels to live life to the fullest.

Fear means restrictions, to be stacked, unable to move, paralyzed.

We have all been in a situation where we think something from the outside blocks us. Still it is something from the outside generating something inside ourselves that begins the process. It can be a situation, it can be an emotional reaction, it can be something from the past, and it can really be many things.

It is difficult to take action, because we look for objections that come from our old beliefs and stop us convincing us that we are unable to move forward.

They are caused by FEAR: false evidence that appears to be real. False information coming from our subconscious mind based on old experiences that were imprinted, and are supposedly “trying to protect us”. The subconscious mind is like a recorder. It cannot think reason or evaluate, it only replicates reactions according to the emotions we feel, that we felt in the past and left a print in our subconscious mind. Indeed our conscious mind has the power to think, evaluate, reason and choose. Once we are aware of this fact, we evolve understanding the lesson related to the experience and grow from it. At that moment we are able to move forward being conscious of who we are which are our skills and where we are aimed to arrive having the blueprint to walk through a plan and a strategy that will help us reach our goal. We are now able to take safe and secure decisions and be free from the past. This is evolution! Are you ready to evolve?

 Esther Coronel de Iberkleid
“The Clarity Mentor”
Life Changing Coach
“My Journey toward YOUR success – The Magic Wand of Life”
“Transforming YOUR Life from the first Session” 
Cel: (591) 730 07479
La Paz  –  Bolivia 

 Claim this report:

“7 Critical Secrets that will immediately create

more Time, Freedom and Fun Every Day” at


  “Visionary Community Leaders: Are you agents to change Community Evolution?” If you want to be heard, be seen and bring wealth to your community” this is for you “THE 3 MISTAKES THAT STOP YOU FROM HAVING THE RESULTS YOU WANT, TO LEAVE A LEGACY AS A SOCIAL LEADER”



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3 Insider Secrets to help Successful Entrepreneurs and Leaders enjoy more time with family and friends work less and still be productive

3 Insider Secrets to help Successful Entrepreneurs and Leaders enjoy more time with family and friends work less and still be productive

As an Entrepreneur myself for 30 years I know it is very important to understand the value of time and that we all have 24 hours in a day. Even if sometimes we would like to have 48 hours in a single day to be more productive.

I asked myself many times, which is the best way to free time and still be very productive. I have to admit this is one of my challenges since I am passionate of my work.

The answer was: focus, organization and systems.

These are the3 Insider Secrets to help Successful Entrepreneurs and Leaders enjoy more time with family and friends work less and still be productive

The first insider secret, FOCUS has always been a challenge for me since I get distracted very easy and have to work against distractions. Even though I teach with great success how to get concentrated to my students it was not always easy for me and my mother always remembers she had to close the curtain of my room for me the do the homework when I was at school. I liked to see the beautiful garden of the neighbor that had a tree I loved and will never forget. 

I had to learn how to implement techniques to achieve focus, at school, college and University. I remember nobody taught me that and as well nobody teaches that in regular education nowadays as well. Such an important tool we need in our daily life to succeed!

There are many things I like to be part of, and as I have a lot of energy I always believe time is more than it really is. Today I know it is possible to change our perception of real time to free time and be productive working less. Would you like to know how? This is part of another article I will be delivering soon.

Today I have clarity and understand that to be very productive and reach my goals I have to focus. So instead of taking care of other people´s tasks I first take care of my own task in a very organized way.

It is fundamental to be very clear regarding the activities that need to be prioritized and create a “to do” list every day. The best thing I recommend is to write your “next day to do list” the night before or before going home so that the next day you know where to begin your day, even if there are going to be other tasks added to be written to your list.  Remember to add any task unfinished during the day, for the ¨next day to do list” to be able to follow up with it.

After realizing how “focus” worked and works for me my concern became “How to teach focus to the members of my team”

The first thing I did was share with them the meaning of “focus”, when I realized people do not understand meanings the same way. So it is very important to make it clear for every member of the team and share a common understanding of a meaning. This helped me clarify that we have as entrepreneurs to train our team members, to be effective and optimize the work we want to achieve as a team. It is through words we communicate and when our wording is clear the tasks can be achieved better, quicker and easier.

The second insider secret is ORGANIZATION. What does organization mean to you as an entrepreneur or Leader? When we talk about organization we think about the act of organizing, or arranging in a certain way things or items so that when we need something it will be easy to find it, as an example.

There is not just one way of organizing and each entrepreneur has to consider which would be the best way to organize items, activities, procedures to be productive, improve the processes and be more effective in less time, so more productive.

Processes can be achieved in different ways according to who is the person in charge and each person will see his environment and tasks in a different way according to his previous experiences, expertise and confidence in how it can be achieved.

It is very important to write the processes and share with the members of the team which would be the best way to achieve that process. There are always members of the team that can visualize the shorter process and others that will visualize other ways to do the same task. As soon as there is consensus on how to achieve it in an easier, short and effective way, I suggest you write the process so that no matter who will do it, the task  will be  always done the same way for anyone in charge of it.

The third insider secret is SYSTEMS. Why do we need systems for? The systems are the pieces of a puzzle toward achieving the same in less time. So Systems are a key ingredient to free time and enjoy more our daily life. When we think about systems we think about methods, processes, routines that can be defined to follow on a specific activity along the day, may be at work, may be at home may be in life, to perform something that can be a task or even to simply solve a certain problem.

To implement systems in your life as an entrepreneur or Leader with success think about the activities you develop every day and how many of them can be done easier through a system to be defined.

As an example I can share with you that every night at my home kitchen I write what I want the next day and this is easier for me to communicate with ease to the person helping me what I want and as well helps her organize her time in a way to achieve the tasks she is requested to do much easier, with clarity, understanding and confidence .


Esther Coronel de Iberkleid
“The Clarity Mentor”
“Leadership Consultant for Visionary Leaders”
La Paz – Bolivia

TOOLS FOR L.I.F.E. – Live Intensely Fully Energized

“Tutoring, Coaching, Teaching – Tutoría, Entrenamiento, Educación”
Your #1 Online E-Learning Academy


Who is Esther?

About Trust and why trusting

Sensibility, solidarity and Leadership: Are they the needed ingredients to understand cultural differences today?

True Leaders to respect today – Easy to use TOOLS to discover a true Leader

Enjoy this FREE report: 7 Critical Secrets that will immediately create more Time, Freedom and Fun Every Day


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TOOLS FOR L.I.F.E. with Esther (Business)


TOOLS FOR L.I.F.E. with Esther (Education)

TOOLS FOR L.I.F.E. with Esther (Personal Development)


TOOLS FOR L.I.F.E. with Esther (Holistic Professionals)

How to Plan a memorable Year no matter the date of the year


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Because my purpose is to help YOU live a better life NOW!


I created the “WHY NOT? SESSION”

Because you will never know what may have changed till you take a different decision

Let me guide you take “the first step“ to a personal transformation

Because I have been there and I know how you feel

Only if you schedule during this weekend the “WHY NOT? SESSION” 30 minutes Strategy Discovery Session you will pay 67 USD

You get the recording of our call to download to your computer and the report of the call sent to you by mail.

 Order now your “WHY NOT? SESSION“ here

and signup to claim your gift here

 I will contact you to schedule day and time and send you the details of your “WHY NOT? SESSION“ immediately.

 This offer is only available for sessions requested from now till tomorrow June 10th 2012 at midnight EDT time. The price will go up again after midnight. Only few spots are available.

 Take action now!

 If you want a different result take a different action!


Esther Coronel de Iberkleid

“The Clarity Mentor”

Life Changing Coach

“My Journey Toward YOUR success – The Magic Wand of Life”

“Transforming YOUR Life from the first Session”


La Paz – Bolivia


I work with Successful Entrepreneurs that want to enjoy more time with family and friends working less and still being VERY PRODUCTIVE. “7 Tips to jumpstart from working too hard To live Life interactively and fully energized (L.I.F.E)”


Claim your gift here

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